9 Main Street, Madison, NJ 07940 | 973-377-2982

Native Shade Trees

In collaboration with the Friends of Madison Shade Tree, we present Native Shade Trees. Not only are trees important to the woodcraft trades featured throughout METC’s collection, they are also vital to the environment both, past and present. The original umbrellas, shade trees lowered temperatures, kept animals, humans and dwellings cooler in warmer months and provided natural barriers from the harsher elements of wind, rain and snow.  

The biggest, oldest shade trees – our canopy – are literally irreplaceable because it takes these trees between 25 and 50 years to mature. Each fully grown shade tree does as much work in air, water, and in reducing flooding as 100 small trees.  We need to protect and care for our canopy, and to understand its value. 

And be sure to a see cross section of the famous Madison tree, The Tuttle Oak c 1750, which stood in the center of Prospect Street until 1996, on display in the Lower Level of METC.

Arbor Day is Friday April, 25th 2025.